922.122—Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.

(a) Except as specified in paragraphs (c) through (h) of this section, the following activities are prohibited and thus are unlawful for any person to conduct or to cause to be conducted:
(1) Exploring for, developing, or producing oil, gas or minerals except outside of all no-activity zones and provided all drilling cuttings and drilling fluids are shunted to the seabed through a downpipe that terminates an appropriate distance, but no more than ten meters, from the seabed.
(2) (i) Anchoring any vessel within the Sanctuary.
(ii) Mooring any vessel within the Sanctuary, except that vessels 100 feet (30.48 meters) or less in registered length may moor on a Sanctuary mooring buoy.
(3) (i) Discharging or depositing, from within the boundaries of the Sanctuary, any material or other matter except:
(A) Fish, fish parts, chumming materials or bait used in or resulting from fishing with conventional hook and line gear in the Sanctuary;
(B) Biodegradable effluents incidental to vessel use and generated by marine sanitation devices approved in accordance with section 312 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1322 ;
(C) Water generated by routine vessel operations (e.g., cooling water, deck wash down, and graywater as defined by section 312 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1322) excluding oily wastes from bilge pumping;
(D) Engine exhaust; or
(E) In areas of the Sanctuary outside the no-activity zones, drilling cuttings and drilling fluids necessarily discharged incidental to the exploration for, development of, or production of oil or gas in those areas and in accordance with the shunting requirements of paragraph (a)(1) unless such discharge injures a Sanctuary resource or quality.
(ii) Discharging or depositing, from beyond the boundaries of the Sanctuary, any material or other matter, except those listed in paragraphs (a)(3)(i) (A) through (D) of this section, that subsequently enters the Sanctuary and injures a Sanctuary resource or quality.
(4) Drilling into, dredging or otherwise altering the seabed of the Sanctuary (except by anchoring); or constructing, placing or abandoning any structure, material or other matter on the seabed of the Sanctuary.
(5) Injuring or removing, or attempting to injure or remove, any coral or other bottom formation, coralline algae or other plant, marine invertebrate, brine-seep biota or carbonate rock within the Sanctuary.
(6) Taking any marine mammal or turtle within the Sanctuary, except as permitted by regulations, as amended, promulgated under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., and the Endangered Species Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
(7) Injuring, catching, harvesting, collecting or feeding, or attempting to injure, catch, harvest, collect or feed, any fish within the Sanctuary by use of bottom longlines, traps, nets, bottom trawls or any other gear, device, equipment or means except by use of conventional hook and line gear.
(8) Possessing within the Sanctuary (regardless of where collected, caught, harvested or removed), except for valid law enforcement purposes, any carbonate rock, coral or other bottom formation, coralline algae or other plant, marine invertebrate, brine-seep biota or fish (except for fish caught by use of conventional hook and line gear).
(9) Possessing or using within the Sanctuary, except possessing while passing without interruption through it or for valid law enforcement purposes, any fishing gear, device, equipment or means except conventional hook and line gear.
(10) Possessing, except for valid law enforcement purposes, or using explosives or releasing electrical charges within the Sanctuary.
(b) If any valid regulation issued by any Federal authority of competent jurisdiction, regardless of when issued, conflicts with a Sanctuary regulation, the regulation deemed by the Director as more protective of Sanctuary resources and qualities shall govern.
(c) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a)(2) (i), (iii), and (iv), (4) and (10) of this section do not apply to necessary activities conducted in areas of the Sanctuary outside the no-activity zones and incidental to exploration for, development of, or production of oil or gas in those areas.
(d) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a) (2) through (10) of this section do not apply to activities necessary to respond to emergencies threatening life, property, or the environment.
(e) (1) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a) (2) through (10) of this section do not apply to activities being carried out by the Department of Defense as of the effective date of Sanctuary designation (January 18, 1994). Such activities shall be carried out in a manner that minimizes any adverse impact on Sanctuary resources and qualities. The prohibitions in paragraphs (a) (2) through (10) of this section do not apply to any new activities carried out by the Department of Defense that do not have the potential for any significant adverse impacts on Sanctuary resources or qualities. Such activities shall be carried out in a manner that minimizes any adverse impact on Sanctuary resources and qualities. New activities with the potential for significant adverse impacts on Sanctuary resources or qualities may be exempted from the prohibitions in paragraphs (a) (2) through (10) of this section by the Director after consultation between the Director and the Department of Defense. If it is determined that an activity may be carried out, such activity shall be carried out in a manner that minimizes any adverse impact on Sanctuary resources and qualities.
(2) In the event of threatened or actual destruction of, loss of, or injury to a Sanctuary resource or quality resulting from an untoward incident, including but not limited to spills and groundings, caused by a component of the Department of Defense, the cognizant component shall promptly coordinate with the Director for the purpose of taking appropriate actions to respond to and mitigate the harm and, if possible, restore or replace the Sanctuary resource or quality.
(f) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a) (2) through (10) of this section do not apply to any activity executed in accordance with the scope, purpose, terms, and conditions of a National Marine Sanctuary permit issued pursuant to § 922.48 and § 922.123 or a Special Use permit issued pursuant to section 310 of the Act.
(g) The prohibitions in paragraphs (a) (2) through (10) of this section do not apply to any activity authorized by any lease, permit, license, approval or other authorization issued after January 18, 1994, provided that the applicant complies with § 922.49, the Director notifies the applicant and authorizing agency that he or she does not object to issuance of the authorization, and the applicant complies with any terms and conditions the Director deems necessary to protect Sanctuary resources and qualities.
(h) Notwithstanding paragraphs (f) and (g) of this section, in no event may the Director issue a National Marine Sanctuary permit under § 922.48 and § 922.123 or a Special Use permit under section 10 of the Act authorizing, or otherwise approve, the exploration for, development of, or production of oil, gas or minerals in a no-activity zone. Any leases, permits, approvals, or other authorizations authorizing the exploration for, development of, or production of oil, gas or minerals in a no-activity zone and issued after the January 18, 1994 shall be invalid.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 66877, Dec. 27, 1995, as amended at 66 FR 58371, Nov. 21, 2001]