90.17—Timing for hearing and decision.

A maximum period of 120 days, unless additional time is required for sufficiently meritorious reason, shall be provided beyond the closing date for the filing of informal challenges to allow for (a) resolution of informal challenges, (b) appointment of the hearing officer, and (c) the completion of formal hearings. A maximum of 30 additional days shall be allowed for deliberations by the hearing officer and staff. A maximum of an additional 30 days shall also be provided beyond this during which the Census Bureau Director must rule on all cases. Neither the timing nor the general provisions contained in these regulations shall affect the rights of communities to a review through the data improvement program of the Office of Revenue Sharing under the provisions of Pub. L. 92-512, section 102(b), as amended (31 U.S.C. 1222(b) ). Localities challenging only through the Office of Revenue Sharing may not have access to a formal hearing as provided in these regulations.