752.7—Direct shipment to customers.

(a) General authorization. (1) Upon request by a consignee, an SCL holder or another consignee approved under the same SCL is authorized to deliver products directly to the requesting consignee's customer in either:
(i) The requesting consignee's country; or
(ii) Another country authorized to receive items under the requesting consignee's validated Form BIS-752-A.
(2) The SCL holder or consignee making direct shipments authorized by this section must implement an ICP containing procedures governing such shipments.
(3) SCL holders and consignees using the direct shipment provision may invoice the shipments directly to the requesting consignee's customers if copies of applicable invoices are maintained by both the shipping party and requesting consignee.
(b) Procedures— (1) Exports by an SCL holder. The SCL holder may make a direct shipment by entering on the Shipper's Export Declaration or Automated Export System record the name and address of the customer as ultimate consignee and adding the notation “by order of (name and address of consignee requesting the direct shipment).” The notation must appear below the item description and must cite the SCL number followed by the three digit number of the consignee requesting the “by order of” shipment.
(2) Reexports by a consignee. An approved consignee may make a direct reexport shipment to a customer of another approved consignee on the same SCL by showing on the commercial invoice the name and address of the customer as ultimate consignee and adding the notation “by order of (name and address of consignee requesting the direct shipment).”

Code of Federal Regulations

[61 FR 12835, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 50473, Aug. 21, 2003]