748.7—Applying electronically for a license or Classification request.

(a) Authorization. You may apply electronically once you have been authorized to do so by BIS. Written requests may be faxed to (202) 219-9179 or (202) 219-9182 (Washington, DC), faxed to (949) 660-9347 (Newport Beach, CA), or submitted to the address identified in § 748.1(d)(2) of this part. Both the envelope and letter must be marked “Attn: Electronic Submission Request.” There are no prerequisites for obtaining permission to submit electronically or limitations in terms of country eligibility. However, BIS may direct for any reason that any electronic application be resubmitted in writing, in whole or in part.
(1) Requesting approval to submit applications electronically. To submit applications electronically, your company must submit a written request to BIS. Written requests may be faxed to (202) 219-9179 or (202) 219-9182 (Washington, DC), faxed to (949) 660-9347 (Newport Beach, CA), or submitted to one of the addresses identified in § 748.2(c) of this part. Both the envelope and letter must be marked “Attn: Electronic Submission Request”. Your letter must contain your company's name, and the address, telephone number, and name of the principal contact person in your company. Before approving your request, BIS will provide you with language for a number of required certifications. Once you have completed the necessary certifications, you may be approved by BIS to submit applications electronically.
(2) Assignment and use of company and personal identification numbers. (i) Each company granted permission to submit applications electronically will be assigned a company identification number. Each person approved by BIS to submit applications electronically for the company will be assigned a personal identification number (“PIN”) by BIS. A PIN will be assigned to you only if your company has certified to BIS that you are authorized to act for it in making electronic submissions under the EAR.
(ii) Your company may reveal the assigned company identification number only to the PIN holders, their supervisors, employees, or agents of the company with a commercial justification for knowing the company identification number.
(iii) An individual PIN holder may not:
(A) Disclose the PIN to anyone;
(B) Record the PIN either in writing or electronically;
(C) Authorize another person to use the PIN; or
(D) Use the PIN following termination by BIS or your company of your authorization or approval for PIN use.
(iv) To prevent misuse of the PIN:
(A) If a PIN is lost, stolen or otherwise compromised, the company and the PIN holder must report the loss, theft or compromise of the PIN immediately by telephoning BIS at (202) 482-0436. You must confirm this notification in writing within two business days to BIS at the address provided in § 748.1(d)(2) of this part.
(B) Your company is responsible for immediately notifying BIS whenever a PIN holder leaves the employ of the company or otherwise ceases to be authorized by the company to submit applications electronically on its behalf.
(v) No person may use, copy, steal or otherwise compromise a PIN assigned to another person; and no person may use, copy, steal or otherwise compromise the company identification number where the company has not authorized such person to have access to the number.
(b) Electronic submission of applications— (1) All applications. Upon submission of the required certifications and approval of the company's request to use electronic submission, BIS will provide instructions both on the method to transmit applications electronically and the process for submitting required supporting documents and technical specifications. These instructions may be modified by BIS from time to time.
(2) License Applications. The electronic submission of an application for license will constitute an export control document. Such submissions must provide the same information as written applications and are subject to the recordkeeping provisions of part 762 of the EAR. The applicant company and PIN holder submitting the application will be deemed to make all representations and certifications as if the submission were made in writing by the company and signed by the submitting PIN holder. Electronic submission of a license application will be considered complete upon the transmittal of the application to BIS or to an entity under contract to receive such applications for BIS.
(c) Updating. An applicant company must promptly notify BIS of any change in its name or address. If your company wishes to have an individual added as a PIN holder, your company must advise BIS and follow the instructions provided by BIS. Your company should conduct periodic reviews to ensure that PINs are held only by individuals whose current responsibilities make it necessary and appropriate that they act for the company in this capacity.

Code of Federal Regulations

[61 FR 12812, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 73 FR 36, Jan. 2, 2008; 75 FR 17054, Apr. 5, 2010; 75 FR 31681, June 4, 2010]