748.12—Special provisions for support documents.

(a) Grace periods. Whenever the requirement for an Import Certificate or End-User Statement or Statement by Ultimate Consignee or Purchaser is imposed or extended by a change in the regulations, the license application need not conform to the new support documentation requirements for a period of 45 days after the effective date of the regulatory change published in the Federal Register.
(1) Requirements are usually imposed or extended by virtue of one of the following:
(i) Addition or removal of national security controls over a particular item; or
(ii) Development of an Import Certificate/Delivery Verification or End-User Certificate program by a foreign country; or
(iii) Removal of an item from eligibility under the Special Comprehensive License described in part 752 of the EAR, when you hold such a special license and have been exporting the item under that license.
(2) License applications filed during the 45 day grace period must be accompanied by any evidence available to you that will support representations concerning the ultimate consignee, ultimate destination, and end use, such as copies of the order, letters of credit, correspondence between you and ultimate consignee, or other documents received from the ultimate consignee. You must also identify the regulatory change (including its effective date) that justifies exercise of the 45 day grace period. Note that an Import Certificate or End-User Statement will not be accepted, after the stated grace period, for license applications involving items that are no longer controlled for national security reasons. If an item is removed from national security controls, you must obtain a Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser as described in § 748.11 of this part. Likewise, any item newly controlled for national security purposes requires support of an Import Certificate or End-User Statement as described in § 748.10 of this part after expiration of the stated grace period.
(b) Reexports. If a support document would be required for an export from the United States, the same document would be required for reexport to Country Group D:1 and E:2 (see supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR).
(c) Granting of exceptions to the support documentation requirement. An exception to obtaining the required support documentation will be considered by BIS, however, an exception will not be granted contrary to the objectives of the U.S. export control program. A request for exception may involve either a single transaction, or where the reason necessitating the request is continuing in nature, multiple transactions. If satisfied by the evidence presented, BIS may waive the support document requirement and accept the license application for processing. Favorable consideration of a request for exception generally will be given in instances where the support document requirement:
(1) Imposes an undue hardship on you and/or ultimate consignee (e.g., refusal by the foreign government to issue an Import or End-User Certificate and such refusal constitutes discrimination against you); or
(2) Cannot be complied with (e.g., the items will be held in a foreign trade zone or bonded warehouse for subsequent distribution in one or more countries); or
(3) Is not applicable to the transaction (e.g., the items will not be imported for consumption into the named country of destination).
(d) Procedures for requesting an exception. (1) Requests for exception must be submitted with the license application to which the request relates. Where the request relates to more than one license application it should be submitted with the first license application and referred to in Block 24 on any subsequent license application. The request for exception must be submitted in writing on the applicant's letterhead.
(2) In instances where you are requesting exception from obtaining an Import or End-User Certificate, the request must be accompanied by a manually-signed original Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser as described in § 748.11 of this part.
(3) At a minimum, the letter request must include:
(i) Name and address of ultimate consignee;
(ii) Name and address of purchaser, if different from ultimate consignee;
(iii) Location of foreign trade zone or bonded warehouse if the items will be exported to a foreign trade zone or bonded warehouse;
(iv) Type of request, i.e., whether for a single transaction or multiple transactions;
(v) Full explanation of the reason(s) for requesting the exception;
(vi) Nature and duration of the business relationship between you and ultimate consignee and purchaser shown on the license application;
(vii) Whether you have previously obtained and/or submitted to BIS an Import or End-User Certificate issued in the name of the ultimate consignee and/or purchaser, and a list of the Application Control Number(s) to which the certificate(s) applied; and
(viii) Any other facts to justify granting an exception.
(4) Action by BIS. (i) Single transaction request. Where a single transaction is involved, BIS will act on the request for exception at the same time as the license application with which the request is submitted. In those instances where the related license application is approved, the issuance of the license will serve as an automatic notice to the applicant that the exception was approved. If any restrictions are placed on granting of the exception, these will appear on the approval. If the request for exception is not approved, BIS will advise you by letter.
(ii) Multiple transactions request. Where multiple transactions are involved, BIS will advise you by letter of the action taken on the exception request. The letter will contain any conditions or restrictions that BIS finds necessary to impose (including an exception termination date if appropriate). In addition, a written acceptance of these conditions or restrictions may be required from the parties to the transaction.
(e) Availability of original. The original certificate or statement must be kept on file, and made available for inspection in accordance with the provisions of part 762 of the EAR. To ensure compliance with this recordkeeping requirement, BIS will require applicants, on a random basis, to submit specific original certificates and statements that have been retained on file. Applicants will be notified in writing of any such request.

Code of Federal Regulations

[61 FR 12812, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 25461, May 9, 1997; 72 FR 33660, June 19, 2007; 72 FR 43531, Aug. 6, 2007]