738.2—Commerce Control List (CCL) structure.

(a) Categories. The CCL is divided into 10 categories, numbered as follows:
0—Nuclear Materials, Facilities and Equipment and Miscellaneous
1—Materials, Chemicals, “Microorganisms,” and Toxins
2—Materials Processing
5—Telecommunications and Information Security
6—Lasers and Sensors
7—Navigation and Avionics
9—Propulsion Systems, Space Vehicles and Related Equipment
(b) Groups. Within each category, items are arranged by group. Each category contains the same five groups. Each Group is identified by the letters A through E, as follows:
A—Equipment, Assemblies and Components
B—Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
(c) Order of review. In order to classify your item against the CCL, you should begin with a review of the general characteristics of your item. This will usually guide you to the appropriate category on the CCL. Once the appropriate category is identified, you should match the particular characteristics and functions of your item to a specific ECCN. If the ECCN contains a list under the Items heading, you should review the list to determine within which subparagraph(s) your items are identified.
(d) Entries— (1) Composition of an entry. Within each group, individual items are identified by an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). Each number consists of a set of digits and a letter. The first digit identifies the general category within which the entry falls (e.g., 3A 001). The letter immediately following this first digit identifies under which of the five groups the item is listed (e.g., 3 A001). The second digit differentiates individual entries by identifying the type of controls associated with the items contained in the entry (e.g., 3A0 01). Listed below are the Reasons for Control associated with this second digit.
0: National Security reasons (including Dual Use and Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List) and Items on the NSG Dual Use Annex and Trigger List
1: Missile Technology reasons
2: Nuclear Nonproliferation reasons
3: Chemical & Biological Weapons reasons
9: Anti-terrorism, Crime Control, Regional Stability, Short Supply, UN Sanctions, etc.
(i) Since Reasons for Control are not mutually exclusive, numbers are assigned in order of precedence. As an example, if an item is controlled for both National Security and Missile Technology reasons, the entry's third digit will be a “0”. If the item is controlled only for Missile Technology the third digit will be “1”.
(ii) The numbers in either the second or third digit (e.g., 3A00 1) serve to differentiate between multilateral and unilateral entries. An entry with the number “9” as the second digit, identifies the entire entry as controlled for a unilateral concern (e.g., 2B991 for anti-terrorism reasons). If the number “9” appears as the third digit, the item is controlled for unilateral purposes based on a proliferation concern (e.g., 2A292 is controlled for unilateral purposes based on nuclear nonproliferation concerns).
(iii) The last digit within each entry (e.g., 3A001) is used for the sequential numbering of ECCNs to differentiate between entries on the CCL.
(2) Reading an ECCN. A brief description is provided next to each ECCN. Following this description is the actual entry containing “License Requirements,” “License Exceptions,” and “List of Items Controlled” sections. A brief description of each section and its use follows:
(i) License Requirements. This section contains a separate line identifying all possible Reasons for Control in order of precedence, and two columns entitled “Control(s)” and “Country Chart”.
(A) The “Controls” header identifies all applicable Reasons for Control, in order of restrictiveness, and to what extent each applies (e.g., to the entire entry or only to certain subparagraphs). Those requiring licenses for a larger number of countries and/or items are listed first. As you read down the list the number of countries and/or items requiring a license declines. Since Reasons for Control are not mutually exclusive, items controlled within a particular ECCN may be controlled for more than one reason. The following is a list of all possible Reasons for Control:
CBChemical & Biological Weapons
CCCrime Control
CWChemical Weapons Convention
EIEncryption Items
FC Firearms Convention
MTMissile Technology
NSNational Security
NPNuclear Nonproliferation
RSRegional Stability
SSShort Supply
UNUnited Nations Embargo
SISignificant Items
SL Surreptitious Listening
(B) The “Country Chart” header identifies, for each applicable Reason for Control, a column name and number (e.g., CB Column 1). These column identifiers are used to direct you from the CCL to the appropriate column identifying the countries requiring a license. Consult part 742 of the EAR for an indepth discussion of the licensing requirements and policies applicable to each Country Chart column.
(ii) License Exceptions. This section provides a brief eligibility statement for each ECCN-driven License Exception that may be applicable to your transaction, and should be consulted only AFTER you have determined a license is required based on an analysis of the entry and the Country Chart. The brief eligibility statement in this section is provided to assist you in deciding which ECCN-driven License Exception related to your particular item and destination you should explore prior to submitting an application. The term “Yes” (followed in some instances by the scope of Yes) appears next to each available ECCN-driven License Exception. The term “N/A” will be noted for License Exceptions that are not available within a particular entry. If one or more License Exceptions appear to apply to your transaction, you must consult part 740 of the EAR to review the conditions and restrictions applicable to each available License Exception. The list of License Exceptions contained within each ECCN is not an all-exclusive list. Other License Exceptions, not based on particular ECCNs, may be available. Consult part 740 of the EAR to determine eligibility for non-ECCN-driven License Exceptions.
(iii) List of Items Controlled— (A) Units. The unit of measure applicable to each entry is identified in the “Units” header. Most measurements used in the CCL are expressed in metric units with an inch-pound conversion where appropriate. Note that in some ECCNs the inch-pound unit will be listed first. In instances where other units are in general usage or specified by law, these will be used instead of metric. Generally, when there is a difference between the metric and inch-pound figures, the metric standard will be used for classification and licensing purposes.
(B) Related definitions. This header identifies, where appropriate, definitions or parameters that apply to all items controlled by the entry. The information provided in this section is unique to the entry, and hence not listed in the definitions contained in part 772 of the EAR.
(C) Related controls. If another U.S. government agency or department has export licensing authority over items related to those controlled by an entry, a statement is included identifying the agency or department along with the applicable regulatory cite. An additional cross-reference may be included in instances where the scope of controls differs between a CCL entry and its corresponding entry on list maintained by the European Union. This information is provided to assist readers who use both lists.
(D) Items. This header contains a positive list of all items controlled by a particular entry and must be reviewed to determine whether your item is controlled by that entry. In some entries, the list is contained within the entry heading. In these entries a note is included to direct you to the entry heading.

Code of Federal Regulations

[61 FR 112756, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 61 FR 68579, Dec. 30, 1996; 62 FR 25456, May 9, 1997; 64 FR 17970, Apr. 13, 1999; 27141, May 18, 1999; 70 FR 54628, Sept. 16, 2005; 71 FR 20883, Apr. 24, 2006; 71 FR 67035, Nov. 20, 2006; 72 FR 43531, Aug. 6, 2007]