734.6—Assistance available from BIS for determining licensing and other requirements.

(a) If you are not sure whether a commodity, software, technology, or activity is subject to the EAR, or is subject to licensing or other requirements under the EAR, you may ask BIS for an advisory opinion, classification, or a determination whether a particular item or activity is subject to the EAR. In many instances, including those where the item is specially designed, developed, configured, adapted, or modified for military application, the item may fall under the licensing jurisdiction of the Department of State and may be subject to the controls of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations ( 22 CFR parts 120 through 130) (ITAR). In order to determine if the Department of State has licensing jurisdiction over an item, you should submit a request for a commodity jurisdiction determination to the Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. Exporters should note that in a very limited number of cases, the categories of items may be subject to both the ITAR and the EAR. The relevant departments are working to eliminate any unnecessary overlaps that may exist.
(b) As the agency responsible for administering the EAR, BIS is the only agency that has the responsibility for determining whether an item or activity is subject to the EAR and, if so, what licensing or other requirements apply under the EAR. Such a determination only affects EAR requirements, and does not affect the applicability of any other regulatory programs.
(c) If you need help in determining BIS licensing or other requirements you may ask BIS for help by following the procedures described in § 748.3 of the EAR.