700.3—Priority ratings and rated orders.

(a) Rated orders are identified by a priority rating consisting of the rating—either DX or DO—and a program identification symbol. Rated orders take preference over all unrated orders as necessary to meet required delivery dates. Among rated orders, DX rated orders take preference over DO rated orders. Program identification symbols indicate which approved program is involved with the rated order. For example, A1 identifies defense aircraft programs and A7 signifies defense electronic programs. The program identification symbols, in themselves, do not connote any priority.
(b) Persons receiving rated orders must give them preferential treatment as required by this regulation. This means a person must accept and fill a rated order for items that the person normally supplies. The existence of previously accepted unrated or lower rated orders is not sufficient reason for rejecting a rated order. Persons are required to reschedule unrated orders if they conflict with performance against a rated order. Similarly, persons must reschedule DO rated orders if they conflict with performance against a DX rated order.
(c) All rated orders must be scheduled to the extent possible to ensure delivery by the required delivery date.
(d) Persons who receive rated orders must in turn place rated orders with their suppliers for the items they need to fill the orders. This provision ensures that suppliers will give priority treatment to rated orders from contractor to subcontractor to suppliers throughout the procurement chain.
(e) Persons may place a priority rating on orders only when they are in receipt of a rated order, have been explicitly authorized to do so by the Department of Commerce or a Delegate Agency, or are otherwise permitted to do so by this regulation.

Code of Federal Regulations

[49 FR 30414, July 30, 1984. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989, as amended at 63 FR 31921, June 11, 1998]