700.18—Limitations on placing rated orders.

(a) General limitations. (1) A person may not place a DO or DX rated order unless entitled to do so under this regulation.
(2) Rated orders may not be used to obtain:
(i) Delivery on a date earlier than needed;
(ii) A greater quantity of the item than needed, except to obtain a minimum procurable quantity. Separate rated orders may not be placed solely for the purpose of obtaining minimum procurable quantities on each order;
(iii) Items in advance of the receipt of a rated order, except as specifically authorized by Commerce (see § 700.51(c) for information on obtaining authorization for a priority rating in advance of a rated order); or
(iv) Any of the following items unless specific priority rating authority has been obtained from a Delegate Agency or Commerce:
(A) Items for plant improvement, expansion or construction, unless they will be physically incorporated into a construction project covered by a rated order; and
(B) Production or construction equipment or items to be used for the manufacture of production equipment. [For information on requesting priority rating authority, see § 700.51.]
(v) Any items related to the development of chemical or biological warfare capabilities or the production of chemical or biological weapons, unless such development or production has been authorized by the President or the Secretary of Defense.
(b) Jurisdiction limitations. (1) The priorities and allocations authority for certain items have been delegated under Executive Orders 12919 and 12742, other executive order, or Interagency Memoranda of Understanding to other agencies. Unless otherwise agreed to by the concerned agencies, the provisions of this part are not applicable to these items which include:
(i) Food resources, food resource facilities, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer (Department of Agriculture) (The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Commerce have agreed that the Department of Defense may place rated contracts and orders for food resources in support of troops, including but not limited to, meals ready to eat (MREs), “tray-packs” (T-rations), A-rations, and B-rations);
(ii) All forms of energy, including radioisotopes, stable isotopes, source material, and special nuclear material produced in Government-owned plants or facilities operated by or for the Department of Energy (Department of Energy);
(iii) Health resources (Department of Health and Human Services);
(iv) All forms of civil transportation (Department of Transportation);
(v) Water resources (Department of Defense/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers); and
(vi) Communications services (National Communications System under Executive Order 12472 of April 3, 1984).
(2) The jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and the Departments of Energy and Agriculture over certain specific items included in the categories listed above has been clarified by Interagency Memoranda of Understanding.
(3) The following items under the jurisdiction of Commerce are currently excluded from the rating provisions of this regulation; however, these items are subject to Commerce Directives. These excluded items are:
Copper raw materials
Crushed stone
Steam heat, central
Waste paper

Code of Federal Regulations

[49 FR 30414, July 30, 1984. Redesignated at 54 FR 601, Jan. 9, 1989, as amended at 63 FR 31923, June 11, 1998; 71 FR 39528, July 13, 2006]