400.52—Official record; public access.

(a) Content. The Executive Secretary will maintain at the location stated in § 400.53(d) an official record of each proceeding within the Board's jurisdiction. The Executive Secretary will include in the official record all factual information, written argument, and other material developed by, presented to, or obtained by the Board in connection with the proceeding. The official record will contain material that is public, business proprietary, privileged, and classified. While there is no requirement that a verbatim record shall be kept of public hearings, the proceedings of such hearings shall ordinarily be recorded and transcribed when significant opposition is involved.
(b) Opening and closing of official record. The official record opens on the date the Executive Secretary files an application or receives a request that satisfies the applicable requirements of this part and closes on the date of the final determination in the proceeding or review, as applicable.
(c) Protection of the official record. Unless otherwise ordered in a particular case by the Executive Secretary, the official record will not be removed from the Department of Commerce. A certified copy of the record will be made available to any court before which any aspect of a proceeding is under review, with appropriate safeguards to prevent disclosure of proprietary or privileged information.