400.44—Zone-restricted merchandise.
(a) In general.
Merchandise which has been given export status by Customs officials (“zone-restricted merchandise”— 19 CFR 146.44) may be returned to the Customs Territory of the United States only when the Board determines that the return would be in the public interest. Such returns are subject to the Customs laws and the payment of applicable duties and excise taxes (19 U.S.C. 81c, 4th proviso).
(b) Criteria.
In making the determination described in paragraph (a) of this section, the Board will consider:
(c) Procedure.
A request for authority to return “zone-restricted” merchandise into Customs territory shall be made to the Executive Secretary in letter form by the zone grantee or operator of the zone in which the merchandise is located, with supporting information and documentation.
The Executive Secretary may act for the Board under this section in cases involving merchandise valued at 500,000 dollars or less, provided requests are accompanied with a letter of concurrence from the Port Director.