400.24—Application for zone.
(a) In general.
An application for a grant of authority to establish a zone project shall consist of a transmittal letter, an executive summary and five exhibits.
(b) Letter of transmittal.
The transmittal letter shall be currently dated and signed by an authorized officer of the corporation and bear the corporate seal.
The relationship of the project to the community's and state's overall economic development plans and objectives;
A certified copy of the resolution of the governing body of the corporation authorizing the official signing the application.
A detailed description of the zone site, including size, location, address, and a legal description of the area proposed for approval; a table with site designations shall be included when more than one site is involved;
A summary description of the larger project of which the zone is a part, including type, size, location and address;
A description of zone facilities and services, including dimensions and types of existing and proposed structures;
A description of existing or proposed site qualifications including: land-use zoning, relationship to flood-plain, infrastructure, utilities, security, and access to transportation services;
If part of a port facility, a summary of port and transportation services and facilities; if not, a summary description of transportation systems indicating connections from local and regional points of arrival to the zone; and
A statement as to site ownership (if not owned by the applicant or proposed operator, evidence as to their legal right to use the site);
A discussion of the operational plan (if the zone or a portion thereof is to be operated by other than the grantee, a summary of the selection process used or to be used, the type of operation agreement and, if available, the name and qualifications of the proposed operator);
A brief explanation of the plans for providing facilities, physical security, and for satisfying the requirements for Customs automated systems;
A summary of the plans for financing capital and operating costs, including a statement as to the source and use of funds; and
A statement of the community's overall economic goals and strategies in relation to those of the region and state;
A reference to the plan or plans on which the goals are based and how they relate to the zone project;
An economic profile of the community including identification and discussion of dominant sectors in terms of percentage of employment or income, area resources and problems, economic imbalances, unemployment rates, area foreign trade statistics, and area port facilities and transportation networks;
A statement as to the role and objective of the zone project, and a justification for each of the proposed sites;
A discussion of the anticipated economic impact, direct and indirect, of the zone project, including references to public costs and benefits, employment, U.S. international trade, and environmental impact;
A statement as to the need for zone services in the community, with information on surveys of business, and specific expressions of interest from proposed zone users, with letters of intent from those firms that are considered prime prospects; and
A description of proposed manufacturing and processing operations, if applicable, with information covering the factors described in § 400.31(b), including the nature and scope of the operation and production process, materials and components used, items to be foreign sourced with relevant tariff information, zone benefits anticipated and how they will affect the firm's plans, and the economic impact of the operation on the community and on related domestic industries.
State and county maps showing the general location of the zone in terms of the area's transportation network;
A detailed blueprint of the zone or subzone area showing zone boundaries in red, with dimensions and metes and bounds, or other legal description, and showing existing and proposed structures.
Proposals involving existing zones shall include a drawing showing existing zone sites and the proposed changes.
(e) Additional information.
The Board or the Executive Secretary may require additional information needed to adequately evaluate a proposal.
(f) Amendment of application.
The Board or the Executive Secretary may allow amendment of the application.
(h) Format and number of copies.
Unless the Executive Secretary alters the requirements of this paragraph, submit an original and 8 copies of the application on 8 1/2 ″ × 11″ (216 × 279 mm) paper. Exhibit Five of the original application shall contain full-sized maps, and copies shall contain letter-sized reductions.
(i) Where to file.
Address and mail the application to the Secretary of Commerce, Attention: Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street, NW., Washington, DC 20230.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0625-0139)