315.1—Scope and purpose.
The purpose of this part is to set forth regulations implementing headnote 2 to subpart B, part 6, schedule 6 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States as proclaimed by Proclamation No. 3682 of October 21, 1965 ( 3 CFR 140-65 Comp.). issued pursuant to the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965 (19 U.S.C. 2031 ), by establishing a procedure under which a person may apply to be determined a bona fide motor-vehicle manufacturer. Under headnote 2 to subpart B, part 6, schedule 6 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States, whenever the Secretary of Commerce has determined a person to be a bona fide motor-vehicle manufacturer, such person is eligible to obtain duty-free importation of certain Canadian articles and to issue certain orders, contracts, or letters of intent under or pursuant to which other persons, not themselves bona fide motor-vehicle manufacturers, may obtain duty-free treatment for such Canadian articles. The responsibilities of Secretary of Commerce relating to the development, maintenance and publication of a list of bona fide motor-vehicle manufacturers and the authority to promulgate rules and regulations pertaining thereto have been delegated to Under Secretary for International Trade, Department of Commerce pursuant to Department of Commerce Organization Order 40-1, Amendment 9 of January 22, 1984 ( 49 FR 4538 ).