30.47—Clearance or departure of carriers under bond on incomplete manifest.

(a) For purposes of the regulations in this part, except when carriers are transporting merchandise from the United States to Puerto Rico, clearance (where clearance is required) or permission to depart (where clearance is not required) may be granted to any carrier by CBP Port Director prior to filing of a complete manifest as required under the regulations of this part or prior to filing by the carrier of all filing U.S. Customs and Border Protection regulations citations, exclusion, and/or exemption legends, provided there is a bond as specified in 19 CFR 4.75, 4.76, and 122.74. The conditions of the bond shall be that a complete manifest, where a manifest is required by the regulations in this part and all required filing citations, exclusion, and/or exemption legends shall be filed by the carrier no later than the fourth business day after clearance (where clearance is required) or departure (where clearance is not required) of the carrier except as otherwise specifically provided in paragraph (a)(1), (2), and (3) of this section.
(1) For manifests submitted electronically through AES, the condition of the bond shall be that the manifest and all required filing citations, exclusion, and/or exemption legends shall be completed not later than the tenth business day after departure from each port.
(2) For rail carriers to Canada, the conditions of the bond shall be that manifest and all filing citations, exclusion, and/or exemption legends shall be filed not later than the fifteenth business day after departure.
(3) For carriers under bond on incomplete manifest, the carrier must file prior to departure a list of filing citations, exclusion, and/or exemption legends for export shipments aboard the conveyance. The list of filing citations, exclusion and/or exemption legends shall be presented to a CBP Export Control Officer at the port of exit prior to departure.
(b) In the event that any required manifest and all required filing citations, exclusion and/or exemption legends are not filed by the carrier within the period provided by the bond, then a penalty of $1,100 shall be exacted for each day's delinquency beyond the prescribed period, but not more than $10,000 per violation.
(c) Remission or mitigation of the penalties for manifest violations provided herein may be granted by CBP as the Administering Authority. Prior disclosure of a manifest violation of this section shall be made in writing to CBP Port Director in the port of export as the Administering Authority.