30.1—Purpose and definitions.

(a) This part sets forth the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) as required under the provisions of Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Chapter 9, section 301. These regulations are revised pursuant to provisions of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Public Law 107-228 (the Act). This Act authorizes the Secretary of Commerce, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, to publish regulations mandating that all persons who are required to file export information under Chapter 9 of 13 U.S.C., file such information through the Automated Export System (AES) for all shipments where a Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) was previously required. The law further authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to issue regulations regarding imposition of civil and criminal penalties for violations of the provisions of the Act and these regulations.
(b) Electronic filing through the AES strengthens the U.S. government's ability to prevent the export of certain items to unauthorized destinations and/or end users because the AES aids in targeting, identifying, and when necessary confiscating suspicious or illegal shipments prior to exportation.
(c) Definitions used in the FTR. As used in this part, the following definitions apply:
AES applicant. The USPPI or authorized agent who applies to the Census Bureau for authorization to report export information electronically to the AES, or through AESDirect or its related applications.
AESDirect. A free Internet application supported by the Census Bureau that allows USPPIs, their authorized agent, or the authorized agent of the FPPI to transmit EEI through the AES via the Internet at http://www.aesdirect.gov.
AES downtime filing citation. A statement used in place of a proof of filing citation when the AES or AESDirect computer systems experiences a major failure. The downtime filing citation must appear on the bill of lading, air waybill, export shipping instructions, or other commercial loading documents.
AES participant application (APA). An electronic submission of an individual or a company's desire to participate in the AES. It sets forth a commitment to develop, maintain, and adhere to CBP and Census Bureau performance requirements and operational standards.
Air waybill. The shipping document used for the transportation of air freight includes conditions, limitations of liability, shipping instructions, description of commodity, and applicable transportation charges. It is generally similar to a straight non-negotiable bill of lading and is used for similar purposes.
Annotation. An explanatory note (e.g., proof of filing citation, postdeparture filing citation, AES downtime filing citation, exemption, or exclusion legend) placed on the bill of lading, air waybill, export shipping instructions, or other loading document.
Authorized agent. An individual or legal entity physically located in or otherwise under the jurisdiction of the United States that has obtained power of attorney or written authorization from a USPPI or FPPI to act on its behalf, and for purposes of this part, to complete and file the EEI.
Automated Broker Interface (ABI). A CBP system through which an importer or licensed customs broker can electronically file entry and entry summary data on goods imported into the United States.
Automated Export System (AES). The system, including AESDirect, for collecting EEI information (or any successor document) from persons exporting goods from the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands; between Puerto Rico and the United States; and to the U.S. Virgin Islands from the United States or Puerto Rico.
Automated Export System Trade Interface Requirements (AESTIR). The document that describes the operational requirements of the AES. The AESTIR presents record formats and other reference information used in the AES.
Automated Foreign Trade Zone Reporting Program (AFTZRP). The electronic reporting program used to transmit statistical data on goods admitted into a FTZ directly to the Census Bureau.
Bill of lading (BL). A document that establishes the terms of a contract between a shipper and a transportation company under which freight is to be moved between specified points for a specified charge. Usually prepared by the authorized agent on forms issued by the carrier, it serves as a document of title, a contract of carriage, and a receipt for goods.
Bond. An instrument used by CBP as security to ensure the payment of duties, taxes and fees and/or compliance with certain requirements such as the submission of manifest information.
Bonded warehouse. An approved private warehouse used for the storage of goods until duties or taxes are paid and the goods are properly released by CBP. Bonds must be posted by the warehouse proprietor and by the importer to indemnify the government if the goods are released improperly.
Booking. A reservation made with a carrier for a shipment of goods on a specific voyage, flight, truck or train.
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). This bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce is concerned with the advancement of U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic interests. The BIS is responsible for regulating the export of sensitive goods and technologies; enforcing export control, antiboycott, and public safety laws; cooperating with and assisting other countries on export control and strategic trade issues; and assisting U.S. industry to comply with international arms control agreements.
Buyer. The principal in the export transaction that purchases the commodities for delivery to the ultimate consignee. The buyer and ultimate consignee may be the same.
Cargo. Goods being transported.
Carnet. An international customs document that allows the carnet holder to import into the United States or export to foreign countries certain goods on a temporary basis without the payment of duties.
Carrier. An individual or legal entity in the business of transporting passengers or goods. Airlines, trucking companies, railroad companies, shipping lines, pipeline companies, and slot charterers are all examples of carriers.
Civil penalty. A monetary penalty imposed on a USPPI, authorized agent, FPPI, carrier, or other party to the transaction for violating the FTR, including failing to file export information, filing false or misleading information, filing information late, and/or using the AES to further any illegal activity, and/or violating any other regulations of this part.
Commerce Control List (CCL). A list of items found in Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 of the EAR. Supplement No. 2 to Part 774 of the EAR contains the General Technology and Software Notes relevant to entries contained in the CCL.
Compliance alert. An electronic response sent to the filer by the AES when the shipment was not reported in accordance with this part (e.g., late filing). The filer is required to review their filing practices and take steps to conform with export reporting requirements.
Consignee. The person or entity named in a freight contract, a contract of carriage that designates to whom goods have been consigned, and that has the legal right to claim the goods at the destination.
Consignment. Delivery of goods from a USPPI (the consignor) to an agent (consignee) under agreement that the agent sells the goods for the account of the USPPI.
Container. A uniform, reusable metal “box” in which goods are shipped by vessel, truck, or rail as defined in the International Convention for Safe Containers, as amended (TIAS 9037; 29 U.S.T. 3709).
Controlling agency. The agency responsible for the license determination on specified goods exported from the United States.
Cost of goods sold. Cost of goods is the sum of expenses incurred in the USPPI acquisition or production of the goods.
Country of origin. The country where the goods were mined, grown, or manufactured or where each foreign material used or incorporated in a good underwent a change in tariff classification indicating a substantial transformation under the applicable rule of origin for the good. The country of origin for U.S. imports are reported in terms of the International Standards Organization (ISO) codes designated in the Schedule C, Classification of Country and Territory Designations.
Country of ultimate destination. The country where the goods are to be consumed, further processed, stored, or manufactured, as known to the USPPI at the time of export.
Criminal penalty. For the purpose of this part, a penalty imposed for knowingly or willfully violating the FTR, including failing to file export information, filing false or misleading information, filing information late, and/or using the AES to further illegal activity. The criminal penalty includes fines, imprisonment, and/or forfeiture.
Customs broker. An individual or entity licensed to enter and clear imported goods through CBP for another individual or entity.
Destination. The foreign location to which a shipment is consigned.
Distributor. An agent who sells directly for a supplier and maintains an inventory of the supplier's products.
Domestic exports. Goods that are grown, produced, or manufactured in the United States, and commodities of foreign origin that have been changed in the United States, including changes made in a U.S. FTZ, from the form in which they were imported, or that have been enhanced in value or improved in condition by further processing or manufacturing in the United States.
Drayage. The charge made for hauling freight, carts, drays, or trucks.
Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNS). The DUNS Number is a unique 9-digit identification sequence that provides identifiers to single business entities while linking corporate family structures together.
Dunnage. Materials placed around cargo to prevent shifting or damage while in transit.
Duty. A charge imposed on the import of goods. Duties are generally based on the value of the goods (ad valorem duties), some other factor, such as weight or quantity (specific duties), or a combination of value and other factors (compound duties).
Electronic export information (EEI). The electronic export data as filed in the AES. This is the electronic equivalent of the export data formerly collected as Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) information and now mandated to be filed through the AES or AESDirect.
Employer identification number (EIN). The USPPI's Internal Revenue Service (IRS) EIN is the 9-digit numerical code as reported on the Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, Treasury Form 941.
End user. The person abroad that receives and ultimately uses the exported or reexported items. The end user is not an authorized agent or intermediary, but may be the FPPI or ultimate consignee.
Enhancement. A change or modification to goods that increases their value or improves their condition.
Entry number. Consists of a three-position entry filer code and a seven-position transaction code, plus a check digit assigned by the entry filer as a tracking number for goods entered into the United States.
Equipment number. The identification number for shipping equipment, such as container or igloo (Unit Load Device (ULD)) number, truck license number, or rail car number.
Exclusions. Transactions outside of the scope of the FTR that are excluded from the requirement of filing EEI.
Exemption. A specific reason as cited within this part that eliminates the requirement for filing EEI.
Exemption legend. A notation placed on the bill of lading, air waybill, export shipping instructions, or other commercial loading document that describes the basis for not filing EEI for an export transaction. The exemption legend shall reference the number of the section or provision in the FTR where the particular exemption is provided (See Appendix D to this part).
Export. To send or transport goods out of a country.
Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Regulations administered by the BIS that, among other things, provide specific instructions on the use and types of export licenses required for certain commodities, software, and technology. These regulations are located in 15 CFR parts 730 through 774.
Export control. Governmental control of exports for statistical or strategic and short supply or national security purposes, and/or for foreign policy purposes.
Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). The number used to identify items on the CCL, Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 of the EAR. The ECCN consists of a set of digits and a letter. Items that are not classified under an ECCN are designated “EAR99.” Section 738.2 of the EAR describes the ECCN format.
Export license. A controlling agency's document authorizing export of particular goods in specific quantities or values to a particular destination. Issuing agencies include, but are not limited to, the U.S. State Department; the BIS; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; and the Drug Enforcement Administration permit to export.
Export statistics. The measure of quantity and value of goods (except for shipments to U.S. military forces overseas) moving out of the United States to foreign countries, whether such goods are exported from within the Customs territory of the United States, a CBP bonded warehouse, or a U.S. Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ).
Export value. The value of the goods at the U.S. port of export. The value shall be the selling price (or the cost if the goods are not sold), including inland or domestic freight, insurance, and other charges to the U.S. seaport, airport, or land border port of export. Cost of goods is the sum of expenses incurred in the USPPI's acquisition or production of the goods. (See § 30.6(a)(17) ).
Fatal error message. An electronic response sent to the filer by the AES when invalid or missing data has been encountered, the EEI has been rejected, and the information is not on file in the AES. The filer is required to immediately correct the problem, correct the data, and retransmit the EEI.
Filers. Those USPPIs or authorized agents (of either the USPPI or the FPPI) who have been approved to file EEI directly in the AES system or AESDirect Internet application.
Filing electronic export information. The act of entering the EEI in the AES.
Foreign entity. A person that temporarily enters into the United States and purchases or obtains goods for export. This person does not physically maintain an office or residence in the United States. This is a special class of USPPI.
Foreign exports. Commodities of foreign origin that have entered the United States for consumption, for entry into a CBP bonded warehouse or U.S. FTZ, and which, at the time of exportation, are in substantially the same condition as when imported.
Foreign principal party in interest (FPPI). The party shown on the transportation document to whom final delivery or end-use of the goods will be made. This party may be the ultimate consignee.
Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). Specially licensed commercial and industrial areas in or near ports of entry where foreign and domestic goods, including raw materials, components, and finished goods, may be brought in without being subject to payment of customs duties. Goods brought into these zones may be stored, sold, exhibited, repacked, assembled, sorted, graded, cleaned, or otherwise manipulated prior to reexport or entry into the country's customs territory.
Forwarding agent. The person in the United States who is authorized by the principal party in interest to facilitate the movement of the cargo from the United States to the foreign destination and/or prepare and file the required documentation.
Goods. Merchandise, supplies, raw materials, and products or any other item identified by a Harmonized Tariff System (HTS) code.
Harmonized system. A method of classifying goods for international trade developed by the Customs Cooperation Council (now the World Customs Organization).
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS). An organized listing of goods and their duty rates, developed by the U.S. International Trade Commission, which is used by CBP as the basis for classifying imported products, including establishing the duty to be charged and providing statistical information about imports and exports.
Imports. All goods physically brought into the United States, including:
(1) Goods of foreign origin, and
(2) Goods of domestic origin returned to the United States without substantial transformation affecting a change in tariff classification under an applicable rule of origin.
Inbond. A procedure administered by CBP under which goods are transported or warehoused under CBP supervision until the goods are either formally entered into the customs territory of the United States and duties are paid, or until they are exported from the United States. The procedure is so named because the cargo moves under a bond (financial liability assured by the principal on the bond) from the gateway seaport, airport, or land border port and remains “inbond” until CBP releases the cargo at the inland Customs point or at the port of export.
Inland freight. The cost to ship goods between points inland and the seaport, airport, or land border port of exportation, other than baggage, express mail, or regular mail.
Intermediate consignee. The person or entity in the foreign country who acts as an agent for the principal party in interest with the purpose of effecting delivery of items to the ultimate consignee. The intermediate consignee may be a bank, forwarding agent, or other person who acts as an agent for a principal party in interest.
Internal Transaction Number (ITN). The AES generated number assigned to a shipment confirming that an EEI transaction was accepted and is on file in the AES.
International Standards Organization (ISO) Country Codes. The 2-position alphabetic ISO code for countries used to identify countries for which shipments are reportable.
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Regulations administered by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls within the U.S. State Department that provide for the control of the export and temporary import of defense articles and defense services. These regulations are located in 22 CFR 120-130.
Interplant correspondence. Records or documents from a U.S. firm to its subsidiary or affiliate, whether in the United States or overseas.
In-transit. Goods shipped through the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands from one foreign country or area to another foreign country or area without entering the consumption channels of the United States.
License applicant. The person who applies for an export or reexport license. (For example, obtaining a license for commodities, software, or technology that are listed on the CCL.)
License exception. An authorization that allows a USPPI or other appropriate party to export or reexport under stated conditions, items subject to the EAR that would otherwise require a license under the EAR. The BIS License Exceptions are currently contained in Part 740 of the EAR ( 15 CFR part 740 ).
Loading document. A document that establishes the terms of a contract between a shipper and a transportation company under which freight is to be moved between points for a specific charge. It is usually prepared by the shipper and actuated by the carrier and serves as a document of title, a contract of carriage, and a receipt for goods. Examples of loading documents include the air waybill, inland bill of lading, ocean bill of lading, and through bill of lading.
Manifest. A collection of documents, including forms, such as the cargo declaration and annotated bills of lading, that lists and describes the cargo contents of a carrier, container, or warehouse. Carriers required to file manifests with CBP Port Director must include an AES filing citation, or exemption or exclusion legend for all cargo being transported.
Merchandise. Goods, wares, and chattels of every description, and includes merchandise the exportation of which is prohibited, and monetary instruments as defined in 31 U.S.C. 5312.
Method of transportation. The method by which goods arrive in or are exported from the United States by way of seaports, airports, or land border crossing points. Methods of transportation include vessel, air, truck, rail, or other.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The formal agreement, or treaty, among Canada, Mexico, and the United States to promote trade amongst the three countries. It includes measures for the elimination of tariffs and nontariff barriers to trade, as well as numerous specific provisions concerning the conduct of trade and investment.
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). An agency within the U.S. Department of the Treasury that administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, and those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The OFAC acts under Presidential wartime and national emergency powers, as well as authority granted by specific legislation, to impose controls on transactions and freeze foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction.
Order party. The person in the United States that conducts the direct negotiations or correspondence with the foreign purchaser or ultimate consignee and who, as a result of these negotiations, receives the order from the FPPI. If a U.S. order party directly arranges for the sale and export of goods to the FPPI, the U.S. order party shall be listed as the USPPI in the EEI.
Packing list. A list showing the number and kinds of items being shipped, as well as other information needed for transportation purposes.
Partnership agencies. U.S. government agencies that have statistical and analytical reporting and/or monitoring and enforcement responsibilities related to AES postdeparture filing privileges.
Party ID type. Identifies whether the Party ID is an EIN, DUNS, or Foreign Entity reported to the AES, for example, E=EIN, D=DUNS, T=Foreign Entity.
Person. Any natural person, corporation partnership or other legal entity of any kind, domestic or foreign.
Port of export. The seaport or airport where the goods are loaded on the exporting carrier that is taking the goods out of the United States, or the port where exports by overland transportation cross the U.S. border into a foreign country. In the case of an export by mail, use port code 8000.
Postdeparture filing. The privilege granted to approved USPPIs for their EEI to be filed up to 10 calendar days after the date of export, i.e., the date the goods are scheduled to cross the U.S. border.
Postdeparture filing citation. A notation placed on the bill of lading, air waybill, export shipping instructions, or other commercial loading documents that states that the EEI will be filed after departure of the carrier. (See Appendix D of this part.)
Power of attorney. A legal authorization, in writing, from a USPPI or FPPI stating that the agent has authority to act as the principal party's true and lawful agent for purposes of preparing and filing the EEI in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States.
Primary benefit. Receiving the majority payment or exchange of item of value or other legal consideration resulting from an export trade transaction; usually monetary.
Principal parties in interest. Those persons in a transaction that receive the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the transaction. Generally, the principals in a transaction are the seller and the buyer. In most cases, the forwarding or other agent is not a principal party in interest.
Proof of filing citation. A notation placed on the bill of lading, air waybill, export shipping instructions, or other commercial loading document, usually for carrier use, that provides evidence that the EEI has been filed and accepted in the AES.
Reexport. For statistical purposes: These are exports of foreign-origin goods that have previously entered the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands for consumption, entry into a CBP bonded warehouse, or a U.S. FTZ, and at the time of exportation, have undergone no change in form or condition or enhancement in value by further manufacturing in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or U.S. FTZs. For the purpose of goods subject to export controls (e.g., U.S. Munitions List (USML) articles) these are shipments of U.S.-origin products from one foreign destination to another.
Related party transaction. A transaction involving trade between a USPPI and an ultimate consignee where either party owns directly or indirectly 10 percent or more of the other party.
Remission. The cancellation or release from a penalty, including fines, and/or forfeiture, under this part.
Retention. The necessary act of keeping all documentation pertaining to an export transaction for a period of at least five years for an EEI filing, or a time frame designated by the controlling agency for licensed shipments, whichever is longer.
Routed export transaction. A transaction in which the FPPI authorizes a U.S. agent to facilitate export of items from the United States on its behalf and prepare and file the EEI.
Schedule B. The Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States. These 10-digit commodity classification numbers are administered by the Census Bureau and cover everything from live animals and food products to computers and airplanes. It should also be noted that all import and export codes used by the United States are based on the Harmonized Tariff System.
Schedule C. The Classification of Country and Territory Designations. The Schedule C provides a list of country of origin codes. The country of origin is reported in terms of the International Standards Organization codes.
Schedule D. The Classification of CBP districts and ports. The Schedule D provides a list of CBP districts and ports and the corresponding numeric codes used in compiling U.S. foreign trade statistics.
Schedule K. The Classification of Foreign Ports by Geographic Trade Area and Country. The Schedule K lists the major seaports of the world that directly handle waterborne shipments in the foreign trade of the United States, and includes numeric codes to identify these ports. This schedule is maintained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Seller. A principal in the transaction, usually the manufacturer, producer, wholesaler, or distributor of the goods, that receives the monetary benefit or other consideration for the exported goods.
Service center. A company, entity, or organization which has been certified and approved to only transmit complete EEI to the AES.
Shipment. Unless as otherwise provided, all goods being sent from one USPPI to one consignee to a single country of destination on a single conveyance and on the same day.
Shipment reference number. A unique identification number assigned to the shipment by the filer for reference purposes. This number must remain unique for a period of five years.
Shipper's Export Declaration. The DOC paper form used under the FTSR to collect information from a person exporting from the United States. This form was used for compiling the official U.S. export statistics for the United States and for export control purposes.
Shipping weight. The total weight of a shipment in kilograms including goods and packaging.
Split shipment. A shipment booked for export on one aircraft, but split by the carrier and sent on two or more aircrafts of the same carrier.
Subzone. A special purpose foreign trade zone established as part of a foreign trade zone project with a limited purpose that cannot be accommodated within an existing zone. Subzones are often established to serve the needs of a specific company and may be located within an existing facility of the company.
Tariff schedule. A comprehensive list or schedule of goods with applicable duty rates to be paid or charged for each listed article as it enters or leaves a country.
Transmitting electronic export information. The act of sending the completed EEI to the AES.
Transportation reference number. A reservation number assigned by the carrier to hold space on the carrier for cargo being shipped. It is the booking number for vessel shipments and the master air waybill number for air shipments, the bill of lading number for rail shipments, and the freight or pro bill for truck shipments.
Ultimate consignee. The person, party, or designee that is located abroad and actually receives the export shipment. This party may be the end user or the FPPI.
United States Munitions List (USML). Articles and services designated for defense purposes under the ITAR and specified in 22 CFR 121.
Unlading. The physical removal of cargo from an aircraft, truck, rail, or vessel.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). CBP is the unified border agency within the DHS charged with the management, control, and protection of our Nation's borders at and between the official ports of entry to the United States. CBP is charged with keeping terrorist and terrorist weapons from entering the country and enforcing customs, immigration, agricultural and countless other laws of the United States.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). An agency within the DHS that is responsible for enforcing customs, immigration and related laws and investigating violations of laws to secure the Nation's borders.
U.S. principal party in interest (USPPI). The person or legal entity in the United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction. Generally, that person or entity is the U.S. seller, manufacturer, or order party, or the foreign entity while in the United States when purchasing or obtaining the goods for export.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). A number issued by the manufacturer and used for the identification of a self-propelled vehicle.
Verify message. An electronic response sent to the filer by the AES when an unlikely condition is found.
Violation of the FTR. Failure of the USPPI, FPPI, authorized agent of the USPPI, FPPI, carrier, or other party to the transaction to comply with the requirements set forth in 15 CFR 30, for each export shipment.
Warning message. An electronic response sent to the filer by the AES when certain incomplete and conflicting data reporting conditions are encountered.
Wholesaler/distributor. An agent who sells directly for a supplier and maintains an inventory of the supplier's products.
Written authorization. A legal authorization, in writing, by the USPPI or FPPI stating that the agent has authority to act as the USPPI's or FPPI's true and lawful agent for purposes of preparing and filing the EEI in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States.
Zone admission number. A unique and sequential number assigned by a FTZ operator or user for shipments admitted to a zone.

Code of Federal Regulations

[73 FR 31555, June 2, 2008, as amended at 74 FR 38916, Aug. 5, 2009]