2001.1—Creation and location.
The Office was established as an agency in the Executive Office of the President by Executive Order 11075 of January 15, 1963 ( 28 FR 473 ), as amended by Executive Order 11106 of April 18, 1963 ( 28 FR 3911 ), and Executive Order 11113 of June 13, 1963 ( 28 FR 6183 ). The Office subsequently was reestablished as an agency in the Executive Office of the President by section 141 of the Trade Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-618, 88 Stat. 1978, hereinafter referred to as the “Trade Act”), and was delegated certain functions under the Trade Act by Executive Order 11846 of March 27, 1975. 1
Code of Federal Regulations
Footnote(s): 1 40 FR 14291, March 31, 1975.