250.10—Report of passengers denied confirmed space.
Every reporting carrier as defined in 14 CFR 234.2 and any carrier that voluntarily submits data pursuant to § 234.7 of that part shall file, on a quarterly basis, the information specified in BTS Form 251. The reporting basis shall be flights originating or terminating at, or servicing, a point within the United States. The reports are to be submitted within 30 days after the quarter covered by the report. The calendar quarters end March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. “Total Boardings” on line 7 of Form 251 shall include only passengers on flights for which confirmed reservations are offered. No reports need be filed for inbound international flights on which the protections of this part do not apply.
Reports required by this section shall be submitted to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics in a format specified in accounting and reporting directives issued by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' Director of Airlines Information.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2138-0018)