SUBPART I—Airplane Performance Operating Limitations (§135.361 to §135.399)
- 135.361—Applicability.
- 135.363—General.
- 135.364—Maximum flying time outside the United States.
- 135.365—Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Weight limitations.
- 135.367—Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Takeoff limitations.
- 135.369—Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: All engines operating.
- 135.371—Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative.
- 135.373—Part 25 transport category airplanes with four or more engines: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative.
- 135.375—Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports.
- 135.377—Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports.
- 135.379—Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Takeoff limitations.
- 135.381—Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative.
- 135.383—Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative.
- 135.385—Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports.
- 135.387—Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports.
- 135.389—Large nontransport category airplanes: Takeoff limitations.
- 135.391—Large nontransport category airplanes: En route limitations: One engine inoperative.
- 135.393—Large nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Destination airports.
- 135.395—Large nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Alternate airports.
- 135.397—Small transport category airplane performance operating limitations.
- 135.398—Commuter category airplanes performance operating limitations.
- 135.399—Small nontransport category airplane performance operating limitations.