307.15—Prudent management of Revolving Loan Funds.

(a) Accounting principles. (1) RLFs shall operate in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP ”) as in effect from time to time in the United States and the provisions outlined in OMB Circular A-133 and the Compliance Supplement, as applicable.
(2) In accordance with GAAP, a loan loss reserve may be recorded in the RLF Recipient's financial statements to show the fair market value of an RLF's loan portfolio, provided this loan loss reserve is non-funded and represents non-cash entries.
(b) Loan and accounting system documents. (1) Within sixty (60) days prior to the initial disbursement of EDA funds, an independent accountant familiar with the RLF Recipient's accounting system shall certify to EDA and the RLF Recipient that such system is adequate to identify, safeguard and account for all RLF Capital, outstanding RLF loans and other RLF operations.
(2) Prior to the disbursement of any EDA funds, the RLF Recipient shall certify that standard RLF loan documents reasonably necessary or advisable for lending are in place and that these documents have been reviewed by its legal counsel for adequacy and compliance with the terms and conditions of the Grant and applicable State and local law. The standard loan documents must include, at a minimum, the following:
(i) Loan application;
(ii) Loan agreement;
(iii) Board of directors' meeting minutes approving the RLF loan;
(iv) Promissory note;
(v) Security agreement(s);
(vi) Deed of trust or mortgage (as applicable);
(vii) Agreement of prior lien holder (as applicable); and
(viii) Signed bank turn-down letter demonstrating that credit is not otherwise available on terms and conditions that permit the completion or successful operation of the activity to be financed. EDA will permit the RLF Recipient to accept alternate documentation only if such documentation is allowed in the Recipient's EDA-approved RLF Plan.
(c) Interest rates—
(1) General rule. An RLF Recipient may make loans to eligible borrowers at interest rates and under conditions determined by the RLF Recipient to be appropriate in achieving the goals of the RLF. The minimum interest rate an RLF Recipient may charge is four (4) percentage points below the lesser of the current money center prime interest rate quoted in the Wall Street Journal, or the maximum interest rate allowed under State law. In no event shall the interest rate be less than the lower of four (4) percent or 75 percent of the prime interest rate listed in the Wall Street Journal.
(2) Exception. Should the prime interest rate listed in the Wall Street Journal exceed fourteen (14) percent, the minimum RLF interest rate is not required to be raised above ten (10) percent if doing so compromises the ability of the RLF Recipient to implement its financing strategy.
(d) Private leveraging. (1) RLF loans must leverage private investment of at least two dollars for every one dollar of such RLF loans. This leveraging requirement applies to the RLF portfolio as a whole rather than to individual loans and is effective for the duration of the RLF's operation. To be classified as leveraged, private investment must be made within twelve (12) months of approval of an RLF loan, as part of the same business development project, and may include:
(i) Capital invested by the borrower or others;
(ii) Financing from private entities; or
(iii) The non-guaranteed portions and ninety (90) percent of the guaranteed portions of the U.S. Small Business Administration's 7(A) loans and 504 debenture loans.
(2) Private investments shall not include accrued equity in a borrower's assets.
(e) RLF certification course. EDA may establish a mandatory RLF certification program to enhance RLF Recipients' ability to administer RLF Grants in a prudent manner. If so required by EDA, the RLF Recipient must satisfactorily complete this program, and may consider the cost of attending the certification courses as an administrative cost, provided the requirements set forth in § 307.12 are satisfied.

Code of Federal Regulations

[71 FR 56675, Sept. 27, 2006, as amended at 73 FR 62868, Oct. 22, 2008; 75 FR 4264, Jan. 27, 2010]