SUBPART E—Rules of Practice for Appeals From Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Concern Protests (§134.501 to §134.515)
- 134.501—What is the scope of the rules in this subpart E?
- 134.502—Who may appeal?
- 134.503—When must a person file an appeal from an SDVO SBC protest determination?
- 134.504—What are the effects of the appeal on the procurement at issue?
- 134.505—What are the requirements for an appeal petition?
- 134.506—What are the service and filing requirements?
- 134.507—When does the D/GC transmit the protest file and to whom?
- 134.508—What is the standard of review?
- 134.509—When will a Judge dismiss an appeal?
- 134.510—Who can file a response to an appeal petition and when must such a response be filed?
- 134.511—Will the Judge permit discovery and oral hearings?
- 134.512—What are the limitations on new evidence?
- 134.513—When is the record closed?
- 134.514—When must the Judge issue his or her decision?
- 134.515—What are the effects of the Judge's decision?