124.402—How does a Participant develop a business plan?

(a) General. In order to assist the SBA servicing office in determining the business development needs of its portfolio Participants, each Participant must develop a comprehensive business plan setting forth its business targets, objectives, and goals.
(b) Submission of initial business plan. Each Participant must submit a business plan to its SBA servicing office as soon as possible after program admission. The Participant will not be eligible for 8(a) BD program benefits, including 8(a) contracts, until SBA approves its business plan.
(c) Contents of business plan. The business plan must contain at least the following:
(1) A detailed description of any products currently being produced and any services currently being performed by the concern, as well as any future plans to enter into one or more new markets;
(2) The applicant's designation of its primary industry classification, as defined in § 124.3 ;
(3) An analysis of market potential, competitive environment, and the concern's prospects for profitable operations during and after its participation in the 8(a) BD program;
(4) An analysis of the concern's strengths and weaknesses, with particular attention on ways to correct any financial, managerial, technical, or work force conditions which could impede the concern from receiving and performing non-8(a) contracts;
(5) Specific targets, objectives, and goals for the business development of the concern during the next two years;
(6) Estimates of both 8(a) and non-8(a) contract awards that will be needed to meet its targets, objectives and goals; and
(7) Such other information as SBA may require.