120.862—Other economic development objectives.
A Project that achieves any of the following community development or public policy goals is eligible if the CDC's overall portfolio of 504 loans, including the subject loan, meets or exceeds the CDC's required Job Opportunity average. Loan applications must indicate how the Project will meet the specified economic development objective.
Assisting manufacturing firms (North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), Sectors 31 “ 33); or
Revitalizing a business district of a community with a written revitalization or redevelopment plan;
Expansion of small businesses owned and controlled by women as defined in section 29(a)(3) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 656(a)(3) ;
Expansion of small businesses owned and controlled by veterans (especially service-disabled veterans) as defined in section 3(q) of the Act, 15 U.S.C. 632(q) ;
Expansion of minority enterprise development (see § 124.103(b) of this chapter for minority groups who qualify for this description);
Increasing productivity and competitiveness (retooling, robotics, modernization, competition with imports);
Assisting businesses in or moving to areas affected by Federal budget reductions, including base closings, either because of the loss of Federal contracts or the reduction in revenues in the area due to a decreased Federal presence.