9.10—Fiduciary funds awaiting investment or distribution.
(a) In general.
With respect to a fiduciary account for which a national bank has investment discretion or discretion over distributions, the bank may not allow funds awaiting investment or distribution to remain uninvested and undistributed any longer than is reasonable for the proper management of the account and consistent with applicable law. With respect to a fiduciary account for which a national bank has investment discretion, the bank shall obtain for funds awaiting investment or distribution a rate of return that is consistent with applicable law.
(b) Self-deposits—
(1) In general.
A national bank may deposit funds of a fiduciary account that are awaiting investment or distribution in the commercial, savings, or another department of the bank, unless prohibited by applicable law. To the extent that the funds are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the bank shall set aside collateral as security, under the control of appropriate fiduciary officers and employees, in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section. The market value of the collateral set aside must at all times equal or exceed the amount of the uninsured fiduciary funds.
(2) Acceptable collateral.
A national bank may satisfy the collateral requirement of paragraph (b)(1) of this section with any of the following:
Direct obligations of the United States, or other obligations fully guaranteed by the United States as to principal and interest;
Securities that qualify as eligible for investment by national banks pursuant to 12 CFR part 1 ;
Readily marketable securities of the classes in which state banks, trust companies, or other corporations exercising fiduciary powers are permitted to invest fiduciary funds under applicable state law;
Surety bonds, to the extent they provide adequate security, unless prohibited by applicable law; and
Any other assets that qualify under applicable state law as appropriate security for deposits of fiduciary funds.
(c) Affiliate deposits.
A national bank, acting in its fiduciary capacity, may deposit funds of a fiduciary account that are awaiting investment or distribution with an affiliated insured depository institution, unless prohibited by applicable law. A national bank may set aside collateral as security for a deposit by or with an affiliate of fiduciary funds awaiting investment or distribution, unless prohibited by applicable law.