8.7—Payment of interest on delinquent assessments and examination and investigation fees.
Each national bank, each Federal branch, and each Federal agency shall pay to the Comptroller of the Currency interest on its delinquent payments of semiannual assessments. In addition, each national bank and each entity with a trust department examined by the Comptroller of the Currency and each institution that is the subject of a special examination or investigation conducted by the Comptroller of the Currency shall pay to the Comptroller of the Currency interest on its delinquent payments of examination and investigation fees. Semiannual assessment payments will be considered delinquent if they are received after the time for payment specified in § 8.2. Examination and investigation fees will be considered delinquent if not received by the Comptroller of the Currency within 30 calendar days of the invoice date.
In the event that an entity that is required to make semiannual assessment payments or trust examination fee payments believes that the notice of assessments prepared by the Comptroller of the Currency contains an error of miscalculation, the entity may provide the Comptroller of the Currency with a written request for a revised assessment notice and a refund of any overpayments. Any such request for a revised notice and refund must be made after timely payment of the semiannual assessment under the dates specified in § 8.2.
Provide notice of its unwillingness to accept the request for a revised notice of assessments. In the latter instance, the Comptroller of the Currency and the entity claiming the overpayment shall thereafter attempt to reach agreement on the amount, if any, to be refunded; the Comptroller of the Currency shall refund this amount within 30 calendar days of such agreement.
The Comptroller of the Currency shall be considered delinquent if it fails to return an overpayment in accordance with the time limitations specified in this paragraph (b). The Comptroller of the Currency shall pay interest on any such delinquent payments.
Interest on delinquent payments, as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, will be assessed beginning the first calendar day on which payment is considered delinquent, and on each calendar day thereafter up to and including the day payment is received. Interest will be simple interest, calculated for each day payment is delinquent by multiplying the daily equivalent of the applicable interest rate by the amount delinquent. The rate of interest will be the United States Treasury Department's current value of funds rate (the “TFRM rate”); that rate is issued under the Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual and is published quarterly in the Federal Register. The interest rates applicable to a delinquent payment will be determined as follows:
For delinquent days occurring from January 1 to March 31, the rate will be the TFRM rate that is published the preceding December for the first quarter of the ensuing year.
For delinquent days occurring from April 1 to June 30, the rate will be the TFRM rate that is published the preceding March for the second quarter of that year.
For delinquent days occurring from July 1 to September 30, the rate will be the TFRM rate that is published the preceding June for the third quarter of that year.
For delinquent days occurring from October 1 to December 31, the rate will be the TFRM rate that is published the preceding September for the fourth quarter of that year.