365.2—Real estate lending standards.

(a) Each insured state nonmember bank shall adopt and maintain written policies that establish appropriate limits and standards for extensions of credit that are secured by liens on or interests in real estate, or that are made for the purpose of financing permanent improvements to real estate.
(b) (1) Real estate lending policies adopted pursuant to this section must:
(i) Be consistent with safe and sound banking practices;
(ii) Be appropriate to the size of the institution and the nature and scope of its operations; and
(iii) Be reviewed and approved by the bank's board of directors at least annually.
(2) The lending policies must establish:
(i) Loan portfolio diversification standards;
(ii) Prudent underwriting standards, including loan-to-value limits, that are clear and measurable;
(iii) Loan administration procedures for the bank's real estate portfolio; and
(iv) Documentation, approval, and reporting requirements to monitor compliance with the bank's real estate lending policies.
(c) Each insured state nonmember bank must monitor conditions in the real estate market in its lending area to ensure that its real estate lending policies continue to be appropriate for current market conditions.
(d) The real estate lending policies adopted pursuant to this section should reflect consideration of the Interagency Guidelines for Real Estate Lending Policies established by the Federal bank and thrift supervisory agencies.