
(a) A bank effecting securities transactions for customers is not subject to all or part of this part 344 to the extent that they qualify for one or more of the following exceptions:
(1) Small number of transactions. The requirements of §§ 344.4(a) (2) through (4) and 344.8(a) (1) through (3) do not apply to a bank effecting an average of fewer than 200 securities transactions per year for customers over the prior three calendar year period. The calculation of this average does not include transactions in government securities.
(2) Government securities. The recordkeeping requirements of § 344.4 do not apply to banks effecting fewer than 500 government securities brokerage transactions per year. This exemption does not apply to government securities dealer transactions by banks.
(3) Municipal securities. This part does not apply to transactions in municipal securities effected by a bank registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a “municipal securities dealer” as defined in title 15 U.S.C. 78c(a)(30). See 15 U.S.C. 78o-4.
(4) Foreign branches. Activities of foreign branches of a bank shall not be subject to the requirements of this part.
(5) Transactions effected by registered broker/dealers. (i) This part does not apply to securities transactions effected for a bank customer by a registered broker/dealer if:
(A) The broker/dealer is fully disclosed to the bank customer; and
(B) The bank customer has a direct contractual agreement with the broker/dealer.
(ii) This exemption extends to bank arrangements with broker/dealers which involve bank employees when acting as employees of, and subject to the supervision of, the registered broker/dealer when soliciting, recommending, or effecting securities transactions.
(b) Safe and sound operations. Notwithstanding this section, every bank effecting securities transactions for customers shall maintain, directly or indirectly, effective systems of records and controls regarding their customer securities transactions to ensure safe and sound operations. The records and systems maintained must clearly and accurately reflect the information required under this part and provide an adequate basis for an audit.