264a.3—What special post-employment restrictions apply to senior examiners?
(a) Senior Examiners of State Member Banks.
An officer or employee of the Federal Reserve who serves as the senior examiner of a state member bank for two or more months during the last twelve months of such individual's employment with the Federal Reserve may not, within one year after leaving the employment of the Federal Reserve, knowingly accept compensation as an employee, officer, director or consultant from—
(b) Senior Examiners of Bank Holding Companies.
An officer or employee of the Federal Reserve who serves as the senior examiner of a bank holding company for two or more months during the last twelve months of such individual's employment with the Federal Reserve may not, within one year of leaving the employment of the Federal Reserve, knowingly accept compensation as an employee, officer, director or consultant from—
(c) Senior Examiners of Foreign Banks.
An officer or employee of the Federal Reserve who serves as the senior examiner of a foreign bank for two or more months during the last twelve months of such individual's employment with the Federal Reserve may not, within one year of leaving the employment of the Federal Reserve, knowingly accept compensation as an employee, officer, director or consultant from—