261.3—Custodian of records; certification; service; alternative authority.

(a) Custodian of records. The Secretary of the Board (Secretary) is the official custodian of all Board records, including records that are in the possession or control of the Board, any Federal Reserve Bank, or any Board or Reserve Bank employee.
(b) Certification of record. The Secretary may certify the authenticity of any Board record, or any copy of such record, for any purpose, and for or before any duly constituted federal or state court, tribunal, or agency.
(c) Service of subpoenas or other process. Subpoenas or other judicial or administrative process, demanding access to any Board records or making any claim against the Board, shall be addressed to and served upon the Secretary of the Board at the Board's office at 20th and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20551. Neither the Board nor the Secretary are agents for service of process on behalf of any employee in respect of purely private legal disputes, except as specifically provided by law.
(d) Alternative authority. Any action or determination required or permitted by this part to be done by the Secretary, the General Counsel, or the Director of any Division may be done by any employee who has been duly designated for this purpose by the Secretary, General Counsel, or the appropriate Director.