(a) Regulated institutions.
Nothing in this part, or in an Assistance Agreement, shall affect any authority of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency to supervise and regulate any institution or company.
(b) Non-Regulated CDFIs.
The Fund will, to the maximum extent practicable, ensure that Awardees that are Non-Regulated CDFIs are financially and managerially sound and maintain appropriate internal controls.
The Fund will generally signify its selection of an Applicant as an Awardee by delivering a signed notice of award to the Applicant. The notice of award will contain the general terms and conditions underlying the Fund's provision of assistance to an Awardee including, but not limited to, the requirement that an Awardee and the Fund enter into an Assistance Agreement.
To become an Awardee under paragraph (a) of this section, an Applicant shall execute the notice of award and return it to the Fund.
By executing a notice of award, an Awardee agrees that, if prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement with the Fund, information comes to the attention of the Fund that either adversely affects the Awardee's eligibility for funding, or adversely affects the Fund's evaluation of the Awardee's application, or indicates fraud or mismanagement on the part of the Awardee, the Fund may, in its discretion and without advance notice to the Awardee, terminate the notice of award or take such other actions as it deems appropriate. Moreover, by executing a notice of award, an Awardee also agrees that, if prior to entering into an Assistance Agreement with the Fund, the Fund determines that the Awardee is not in compliance with the terms of any previous Assistance Agreement entered into with the Fund, the Fund may, in its discretion and without advance notice to the Awardee, either terminate the notice of award or take such other actions as it deems appropriate. An Awardee shall notify the Fund of information that an Awardee may reasonably believe may affect its eligibility or ability to achieve the objectives of its Comprehensive Business Plan as submitted to the Fund (such as changes in management).
The Fund will notify an Awardee of either the Fund's termination of a notice of award or such other action(s) taken by the Fund under paragraph (c) of this section.
Prior to providing any assistance, the Fund and an Awardee shall execute an Assistance Agreement that requires an Awardee to comply with performance goals and abide by other terms and conditions of assistance. Such performance goals may be modified at any time by mutual consent of the Fund and an Awardee or as provided in paragraph (c) of this section. If a Community Partner or an Affiliate is part of an application that is selected for assistance, such partner must be a party to the Assistance Agreement, if deemed appropriate by the Fund.
An Awardee shall comply with performance goals that have been negotiated with the Fund and which are based upon the Comprehensive Business Plan submitted as part of the Awardee's application. Such performance goals may include measures that require an Awardee to:
Achieve specific lending, investment, and development service objectives. Performance goals for Insured CDFIs shall be determined in consultation with the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, as applicable. Such goals shall be incorporated in, and enforced under, the Awardee's Assistance Agreement. Performance goals for State-Insured Credit Unions may be determined in consultation with the Appropriate State Agency, if deemed appropriate by the Fund.
The Assistance Agreement shall provide that, in the event of fraud, mismanagement, noncompliance with the Act and the Fund's regulations, or noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the Assistance Agreement on the part of the Awardee (or the Community Partner, if applicable), the Fund, in its discretion, may:
Bar the Awardee (and the Community Partner, if applicable) from reapplying for any assistance from the Fund; or
In the case of an Insured CDFI, the Assistance Agreement shall provide that the provisions of the Act, this part, and the Assistance Agreement shall be enforceable under 12 U.S.C. 1818 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act by the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, as applicable, and that any violation of such provisions shall be treated as a violation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act. Nothing in this paragraph (d) precludes the Fund from directly enforcing the Assistance Agreement as provided for under the terms of the Act.
The Fund shall notify the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency before imposing any sanctions on an Insured CDFI or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of that agency. The Fund shall not impose a sanction described in paragraph (c) of this section if the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, in writing, not later than 30 calendar days after receiving notice from the Fund:
The basis for the determination under paragraph (e)(2) of this section and, if appropriate, provides documentation to support the determination; and
How the alternative action suggested pursuant to paragraph (e)(3) of this section would be as effective as the sanction proposed by the Fund in securing compliance and deterring future noncompliance.
In reviewing the performance of an Awardee in which its Investment Area(s) includes an Indian Reservation or Targeted Population(s) includes an Indian Tribe, the Fund shall consult with, and seek input from, the appropriate tribal government.
Prior to imposing any sanctions pursuant to this section or an Assistance Agreement, the Fund shall, to the maximum extent practicable, provide the Awardee (or the Community Partner, if applicable) with written notice of the proposed sanction and an opportunity to comment. Nothing in this section, however, shall provide an Awardee or Community Partner with the right to any formal or informal hearing or comparable proceeding not otherwise required by law.
Assistance provided pursuant to this part may be provided in a lump sum or over a period of time, as determined appropriate by the Fund. The Fund shall not provide any assistance (other than technical assistance) under this part until an Awardee has satisfied any conditions set forth in its Assistance Agreement and has secured in-hand and/or firm commitments for the matching funds required for such assistance pursuant to the applicable Notice of Funds Availability. At a minimum, a firm commitment must consist of a written agreement between an Awardee and the source of the matching funds that is conditioned only upon the availability of the Fund's assistance and such other conditions as the Fund, in its sole discretion, may deem appropriate. Such agreement must provide for disbursal of the matching funds to an Awardee prior to, or simultaneously with, receipt by an Awardee of the Federal funds.
(a) Data—General.
An Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) shall maintain such records as may be prescribed by the Fund that are necessary to:
(b) Customer profiles.
An Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) shall compile such data on the gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, or other information on individuals that utilize its products and services as the Fund shall prescribe in an Assistance Agreement. Such data will be used to determine whether residents of Investment Area(s) or members of Targeted Population(s) are adequately served and to evaluate the impact of the CDFI Program.
(c) Access to records.
An Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) must submit such financial and activity reports, records, statements, and documents at such times, in such forms, and accompanied by such reporting data, as required by the Fund or the U.S. Department of Treasury to ensure compliance with the requirements of this part and to evaluate the impact of the CDFI Program. The United States Government, including the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Comptroller General, and their duly authorized representatives, shall have full and free access to the Awardee's offices and facilities and all books, documents, records, and financial statements relating to use of Federal funds and may copy such documents as they deem appropriate. The Fund, if it deems appropriate, may prescribe access to record requirements for entities that are borrowers of, or that receive investments from, an Awardee.
(d) Retention of records.
An Awardee shall comply with all record retention requirements as set forth in OMB Circular A-110 (as applicable).
(e) Data collection and reporting.
Each Awardee shall submit to the Fund, at least annually and within 180 days after the end of the Awardee's fiscal year, such information and documentation that will permit the Fund to review the Awardee's progress (and the progress of its Affiliates, Subsidiaries, and/or Community Partners, if appropriate) in implementing its Comprehensive Business Plan and satisfying the terms and conditions of its Assistance Agreement. The information and documentation shall include, but not be limited to, an Annual Report, which shall comprise the following components:
All non-profit organizations (excluding Insured CDFIs and State-Insured Credit Unions) must submit to the Fund financial statements that have been reviewed by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services, issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, no later than 180 days after the end of the Awardee's fiscal year (audited financial statements can be provided by the due date in lieu of reviewed statements, if available). Non-profit organizations (excluding Insured CDFIs and State-Insured Credit Unions) that are required to have their financial statements audited pursuant to OMB Circular A-133 Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations, must also submit their A-133 audited financial statements to the Fund no later than 270 days after the end of the Awardee's fiscal year. Non-profit organizations (excluding Insured CDFIs and State-Insured Credit Unions) that are not required to have financial statements audited pursuant to OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations, must submit to the Fund a statement signed by the Awardee's Authorized Representative or certified public accountant, asserting that the Awardee is not required to have a single audit pursuant OMB Circular A-133.
For-profit organizations (excluding Insured CDFIs and State-Insured Credit Unions) must submit to the Fund financial statements audited in conformity with generally accepted auditing standards as promulgated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, no later than 180 days after the end of the Awardee's fiscal year.
Insured CDFIs are not required to submit financial statements to the Fund. The Fund will obtain the necessary information from publicly available sources. State-Insured Credit Unions must submit to the Fund copies of the financial statements that they submit to the Appropriate State Agency.
If multiple organizations sign the Assistance Agreement: The Awardee may submit combined financial statements and footnotes for the Awardee and other entities that signed the Assistance Agreement as long as the financial statements of each signatory are shown separately (for example, in combining financial statements).
If the Assistance is in the form of a loan or a deposit: The Awardee must provide the Fund with financial statements annually throughout the term of the loan or deposit.
If the Assistance is in the form of an equity investment (common or preferred stock, secondary capital, certificate of deposit, partnership interest, or debentures): The Awardee must provide the Fund with financial statements annually for each year in which the Fund holds the equity investment.
(2) Performance Goals Report/Annual Survey:
Performance Goals include performance goals and measures that are specific to the Awardee's application for funding.
(i) Performance Goals Report:
The Awardee will submit to the Fund information through the Annual Survey that will inform the Fund of its compliance toward meeting the Performance Goals set forth in the Performance Goals Report.
(ii) Annual Survey:
The Fund will use the Annual Survey to collect data by which to assess the Awardee's compliance toward meeting its Performance Goals and the impact of the CDFI Program and the CDFI industry. The Annual Survey is comprised of two components, the Institution-Level Report and the Transaction-Level Report.
(A) Institution-Level Report.
The Institution-Level Report includes, but is not limited to, organizational, financial, portfolio and community development impact information and any other information that the Fund deems appropriate.
(B) Transaction-Level Report.
The Transaction-Level Report includes, but is not limited to, specific data elements on each of the Awardee's loans and investments including, but not limited to, borrower location, loan/investment type, loan/investment amount, and terms. The Awardee must submit the Transaction-Level Report to the Fund at least annually but no more frequently than quarterly. If the Fund requires the Awardee to submit the Transaction-Level Report on a semi-annual or quarterly basis, the Fund will notify the Awardee of the due date for the submission of said report at least 60 days prior to the due date. Only Awardees that receive financial assistance awards are required to submit Transaction-Level Reports.
(3) Financial Status Report:
The Financial Status Report is applicable only to Awardees that receive technical assistance awards and must be signed by the Awardee's authorized representative, and submitted to the Fund with the Annual Report. This form is only applicable to the technical assistance portion of the award.
(4) Uses of Financial Assistance and Matching Funds Report:
This report describes the Awardee's use of its financial assistance award and its matching funds during its preceding fiscal year.
(5) Explanation of Noncompliance:
Any Awardee that fails to meet a performance goal in its Performance Goals Report must submit to the Fund a narrative explanation.
Awardees are responsible for the timely and complete submission of the Annual Report, even if all or a portion of the documents actually are completed by another entity or signatory to the Assistance Agreement. If such other entities or signatories are required to provide Annual Surveys or Financial Reports, or other documentation that the Fund may require, the Awardee is responsible for ensuring that the information is submitted timely and complete. The Fund reserves the right to contact such additional signatories to the Assistance Agreement and require that additional information and documentation be provided.
The Fund's review of the progress of an Insured CDFI, a Depository Institution Holding Company or a State-Insured Credit Union in implementing its Comprehensive Business Plan and satisfying the terms and conditions of its Assistance Agreement may also include information from the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency, as the case may be.
The Fund shall make reports described in this section available for public inspection after deleting any materials necessary to protect privacy or proprietary interests.
(f) Exchange of information with Appropriate Federal Banking Agencies and Appropriate State Agencies.
Except as provided in paragraph (f)(4) of this section, prior to directly requesting information from or imposing reporting or record keeping requirements on an Insured CDFI or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, the Fund shall consult with the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency to determine if the information requested is available from or may be obtained by such agency in the form, format, and detail required by the Fund.
If the information, reports, or records requested by the Fund pursuant to paragraph (f)(1) of this section are not provided by the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency within 15 calendar days after the date on which the material is requested, the Fund may request the information from or impose the record keeping or reporting requirements directly on such institutions with notice to the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency.
The Fund shall use any information provided by an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency under this section to the extent practicable to eliminate duplicative requests for information and reports from, and record keeping by, an Insured CDFI, State-Insured Credit Union or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency.
Notwithstanding paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section, the Fund may require an Insured CDFI, State-Insured Credit Union, or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency to provide information with respect to the institution's implementation of its Comprehensive Business Plan or compliance with the terms of its Assistance Agreement, after providing notice to the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency, as the case may be.
Nothing in this part shall be construed to permit the Fund to require an Insured CDFI, State-Insured Credit Union, or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency to obtain, maintain, or furnish an examination report of any Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency, or records contained in or related to such report.
The Fund and the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency shall promptly notify each other of material concerns about an Awardee that is an Insured CDFI or that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, and share appropriate information relating to such concerns.
Neither the Fund nor the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency (or Appropriate State Agency, as the case may be) shall disclose confidential information obtained pursuant to this section from any party without the written consent of that party.
The Fund, the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency (or Appropriate State Agency, as the case may be), and any other party providing information under this paragraph (f) shall not be deemed to have waived any privilege applicable to the any information or data, or any portion thereof, by providing such information or data to the other party or by permitting such data or information, or any copies or portions thereof, to be used by the other party.
(g) Availability of referenced publications.
The publications referenced in this section are available as follows:
OMB Circulars may be obtained from the Office of Administration, Publications Office, 725 17th Street, NW., Room 2200, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503 or on the Internet (http://www.whitehouse.gov/OMB/grants/index.html ); and
General Accounting Office materials may be obtained from GAO Distribution, 700 4th Street, NW., Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20548.
The Fund and each Appropriate Federal Banking Agency shall cooperate and respond to requests from each other and from other Appropriate Federal Banking Agencies in a manner that ensures the safety and soundness of Insured CDFIs or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency.
In carrying out its responsibilities pursuant to an Assistance Agreement, the Awardee shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances, OMB Circulars, and Executive Orders.
(a) Provision of credit to Insiders.
An Awardee that is a Non-Regulated CDFI may not use any monies provided to it by the Fund to make any credit (including loans and Equity Investments) available to an Insider unless it meets the following restrictions:
The Insider receiving the credit, and any family member or business partner thereof, shall not participate in any way in the decision making regarding such credit;
The board of directors or other governing body of the Awardee shall approve the extension of the credit; and
The credit must be provided in accordance with a policy regarding credit to Insiders that has been approved in advance by the Fund.
An Awardee that is an Insured CDFI, a Depository Institution Holding Company or a State-Insured Credit Union shall comply with the restrictions on Insider activities and any comparable restrictions established by its Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or Appropriate State Agency, as applicable.
(b) Awardee standards of conduct.
An Awardee that is a Non-Regulated CDFI shall maintain a code or standards of conduct acceptable to the Fund that shall govern the performance of its Insiders engaged in the awarding and administration of any credit (including loans and Equity Investments) and contracts using monies from the Fund. No Insider of an Awardee shall solicit or accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from any actual or potential borrowers, owners or contractors for such credit or contracts. Such policies shall provide for disciplinary actions to be applied for violation of the standards by the Awardee's Insiders.
No assistance made available under this part may be expended by an Awardee to pay any person to influence or attempt to influence any agency, elected official, officer or employee of a State or local government in connection with the making, award, extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any State or local government contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement as such terms are defined in 31 U.S.C. 1352.
The criminal provisions of 18 U.S.C. 657 regarding embezzlement or misappropriation of funds is applicable to all Awardees and Insiders.
The Fund shall not be deemed to control an Awardee by reason of any assistance provided under the Act for the purpose of any applicable law.
The liability of the Fund and the United States Government arising out of any assistance to a CDFI in accordance with this part shall be limited to the amount of the investment in the CDFI. The Fund shall be exempt from any assessments and other liabilities that may be imposed on controlling or principal shareholders by any Federal law or the law of any State. Nothing in this section shall affect the application of any Federal tax law.
Any person who becomes aware of the existence or apparent existence of fraud, waste or abuse of assistance provided under this part should report such incidences to the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.