7.25—Initiation of administrative disciplinary proceeding.
(a) Commission review of report.
The Commission shall review the Ethics Officer's investigative report in Executive Session.
(b) Reasonable cause to believe finding.
If the Commission, by an affirmative vote of four members, determines there is reasonable cause to believe a violation has occurred, it shall initiate an administrative disciplinary proceeding by providing the former employee with the notice defined in 11 CFR 7.26.
(c) No reasonable cause to believe finding.
If the Commission determines that there is no reasonable cause to believe a violation has occurred, it will close its file on the matter and take no further action. The Commission shall notify the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, the complainant, and the former employee of its determination. Included in this notification will be a statement of reasons for the Commission's determination.