7.1—Purpose and applicability.
The Federal Election Commission is committed to honest, independent and impartial monitoring and enforcement of federal election law. To ensure public trust in the fairness and integrity of the federal elections process, all employees must observe the highest standards of conduct. This part prescribes standards of ethical conduct for Commissioners, employees and special Government employees of the Federal Election Commission relating to conflicts of interest arising out of outside employment, private business and professional activities, political activities, and financial interests. The avoidance of misconduct and conflicts of interest on the part of Commission employees through informed judgment is indispensable to the maintenance of these prescribed ethical standards. Attainment of these goals necessitates strict and absolute fairness and impartiality in the administration of the law.
This part applies to all persons included within the terms employee and special Commission employees of the Commission as defined in 11 CFR 7.2, except to the extent otherwise indicated herein, and is consistent with Executive Order 11222 and part 735 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, relating to employee responsibilities and conduct.
These Standards of Conduct shall be construed in accordance with any applicable laws, regulations and agreements between the Federal Election Commission and a labor organization.