835.1102—Control of areas.
Appropriate controls shall be maintained and verified which prevent the inadvertent transfer of removable contamination to locations outside of radiological areas under normal operating conditions.
Any area in which contamination levels exceed the values specified in appendix D of this part shall be controlled in a manner commensurate with the physical and chemical characteristics of the contaminant, the radionuclides present, and the fixed and removable surface contamination levels.
Areas accessible to individuals where the measured total surface contamination levels exceed, but the removable surface contamination levels are less than, corresponding surface contamination values specified in appendix D of this part, shall be controlled as follows when located outside of radiological areas:
The area shall be routinely monitored to ensure the removable surface contamination level remains below the removable surface contamination values specified in appendix D of this part; and
Individuals exiting contamination, high contamination, or airborne radioactivity areas shall be monitored, as appropriate, for the presence of surface contamination.
Protective clothing shall be required for entry to areas in which removable contamination exists at levels exceeding the removable surface contamination values specified in appendix D of this part.