609.13—Principal and interest assistance contract.

With respect to the guaranteed portion of any Guaranteed Obligation, and subject to the availability of appropriations, DOE may enter into a contract to pay Holders, for and on behalf of Borrower, from funds appropriated for that purpose, the principal and interest charges that become due and payable on the unpaid balance of the guaranteed portion of the Guaranteed Obligation, if DOE finds that:
(a) The Borrower:
(1) Is unable to make the payments and is not in default; and
(2) Will, and is financially able to, continue to make the scheduled payments on the remaining portion of the principal and interest due under the non-guaranteed portion of the debt obligation, if any, and other debt obligations of the project, or an agreement, approved by DOE, has otherwise been reached in order to avoid a payment default on non-guaranteed debt.
(b) It is in the public interest to permit Borrower to continue to pursue the purposes of the project;
(c) In paying the principal and interest, the Federal government expects a probable net benefit to the Government will be greater than that which would result in the event of a default;
(d) The payment authorized is no greater than the amount of principal and interest that Borrower is obligated to pay under the terms of the Loan Guarantee Agreement; and
(e) Borrower agrees to reimburse DOE for the payment (including interest) on terms and conditions that are satisfactory to DOE and executes all written contracts required by DOE for such purpose.