60.140—General requirements.
The performance confirmation program shall provide data which indicates, where practicable, whether:
Actual subsurface conditions encountered and changes in those conditions during construction and waste emplacement operations are within the limits assumed in the licensing review; and
Natural and engineered systems and components required for repository operation, or which are designed or assumed to operate as barriers after permanent closure, are functioning as intended and anticipated.
The program shall have been started during site characterization and it will continue until permanent closure.
The program shall include in situ monitoring, laboratory and field testing, and in situ experiments, as may be appropriate to accomplish the objective as stated above.
It does not adversely affect the ability of the natural and engineered elements of the geologic repository to meet the performance objectives.
It provides baseline information and analysis of that information on those parameters and natural processes pertaining to the geologic setting that may be changed by site characterization, construction, and operational activities.
It monitors and analyzes changes from the baseline condition of parameters that could affect the performance of a geologic repository.
It provides an established plan for feedback and analysis of data, and implementation of appropriate action.