1022.13—Floodplain or wetland assessment.

(a) A floodplain or wetland assessment shall contain the following information:
(1) Project Description. This section shall describe the proposed action and shall include a map showing its location with respect to the floodplain and/or wetland. For actions located in a floodplain, the nature and extent of the flood hazard shall be described, including the nature and extent of hazards associated with any high-hazard areas.
(2) Floodplain or Wetland Impacts. This section shall discuss the positive and negative, direct and indirect, and long- and short-term effects of the proposed action on the floodplain and/or wetland. This section shall include impacts on the natural and beneficial floodplain and wetland values ( § 1022.4) appropriate to the location under evaluation. In addition, the effects of a proposed floodplain action on lives and property shall be evaluated. For an action proposed in a wetland, the effects on the survival, quality, and function of the wetland shall be evaluated.
(3) Alternatives. DOE shall consider alternatives to the proposed action that avoid adverse impacts and incompatible development in the floodplain and/or wetland, including alternate sites, alternate actions, and no action. DOE shall evaluate measures that mitigate the adverse effects of actions in a floodplain and/or wetland including, but not limited to, minimum grading requirements, runoff controls, design and construction constraints, and protection of ecologically-sensitive areas.
(b) For proposed floodplain or wetland actions for which an EA or EIS is required, DOE shall prepare the floodplain or wetland assessment concurrent with and included in the appropriate NEPA document.
(c) For floodplain or wetland actions for which neither an EA nor an EIS is prepared, DOE shall prepare the floodplain or wetland assessment separately or incorporate it when appropriate into another environmental review process (e.g., CERCLA).