1.53—Use of NRC seal or replicas.
NRC documents, including agreements with States, interagency or governmental agreements, foreign patent applications, certifications, special reports to the President and Congress and, at the discretion of the Secretary of the Commission, such other documents as the Secretary finds appropriate;
Plaques—the design of the seal may be incorporated in plaques for display at NRC facilities in locations such as auditoriums, presentation rooms, lobbies, offices of senior officials, on the fronts of buildings, and other places designated by the Secretary;
Official films prepared by or for the NRC, if deemed appropriate by the Director of Governmental and Public Affairs;
Official NRC publications that represent an achievement or mission of NRC as a whole, or that are cosponsored by NRC and other Government departments or agencies; and
Any person who uses the official seal in a manner other than as permitted by this section shall be subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1017, which provides penalties for the fraudulent or wrongful use of an official seal, and to other provisions of law as applicable.